= 10,866.74 QAR
Saturday 15th of March 2025
The current gold price in Qatar is 10,866.74 QAR (Qatari Riyal) per Ounce, this price reflects the current spot gold market.
Current Price | 10,866.74 QAR |
Today's Low | 10,830.19 QAR |
Today's High | 10,927.13 QAR |
Opening Price | 10,872.84 QAR |
Price Change | -6.11 QAR |
Percent Change | -0.06% |
Exchange Rate of 1 USD = 3.63616 QAR.
1 Ounce = 31.10348 grams.
Karats of Gold | Today's Price per Ounce (QAR) | Yesterday's Price per Ounce (QAR) | Change (-0.06%) |
24K Gold | 10,866.74 | 10,872.84 | -6.11 |
23K Gold | 10,413.96 | 10,419.81 | -5.85 |
22K Gold | 9,961.18 | 9,966.77 | -5.60 |
21K Gold | 9,508.39 | 9,513.74 | -5.34 |
18K Gold | 8,150.05 | 8,154.63 | -4.58 |
14K Gold | 6,338.93 | 6,342.49 | -3.56 |
10K Gold | 4,527.81 | 4,530.35 | -2.54 |
Time of Update: Saturday, 15 March 2025, 09:36 AM (New York Time).
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Note: The price is based on live spot market data and may change accordingly. All prices presented are subject to disclaimer.